What time zone is the calendar in?
The class scheduling page is based on the Colombian time zone. If you need assistance in converting the times, we would be happy to explain by email, or you can use any converting tool over the internet to see the schedules in your time zone! Daylight savings affects this. From March to early November, Colombia time is one hour ahead of EST. From November to early March, Colombia is the same as EST.
How are classes organized?
Our classes are broken down by A1, A2, B1, and B2. This is based on the Common European Framework for Languages. You can think of these levels as Beginner, Upper Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced (in the same order as A1, A2, etc.)
What platform do you use for classes?
If you joined our group classes when we originally launched, you may have noticed that we used BigBlueButton. We are now using Zoom for group classes, thanks to their recent launch of break-out rooms!
Our scheduling software is called PunchPass. Open reserving your class, you will automatically receive a link to the Zoom meeting. Make sure you check your spam in your email because sometimes emails end up in the spam box.
If you would ever like to ask a question to the teacher who manages these group classes, they can be reached at jesus.gerardino@spanishvip.com and danny.giraldo@spanishvip.com. Or, if you have questions related to your subscription, please email support@spanishvip.com.
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